Records & Information Management

Our client was in urgent need to create a new Records & Information Management department in order to be legally compliant. I was brought in as a Business Analyst to develop and manage the execution and project plan.
O&G Downstream client
Project Management Business Analyst Engineering

The Challenge

Our client was going through a divestment and needed to create a separate Records and Information Management (RIM) department. However, Phase 1 of the project failed due to an incorrect configuration of the recordkeeping system, HPE Content Manager. I joined in Phase 2, and my focus was resolving the challenges from Phase 1 and partnering with our client to launch the RIM department.

The Process

Due to the challenges within Phase 1, my first step was to rebuild client trust. By actively listening and understanding their challenges, I was able to co-create a project plan that was appropriately scoped and gained client buy-in. I then coordinated and helped interview 32 departments across business units to understand the records that each department produces, and exceptions needed to change the legal retirement of a record. I also successfully configured the HPE Content Manager to address client needs. To ensure client success, I created a toolkit containing the content presentation,  training materials, and execution plan  to help the RIM team deploy training to the enterprise.  

Phase 2 Project Scope - Impacted Departments.

The Impact

Through this project, I facilitated the creation of a strong and legally compliant RIM department that has a clear vision and project plan. Due to the HPE Content Manager toolkit I created, the client now has access to a sustainable and reusable framework that enabled the client to be self-sufficient.

Using the Change Management Framework, I was able to designed a project plan that focused on user-adaptability. From identifying a leadership sponsor to training the new members of the RIM department to be change advocates - this framework taught me to understand the right approach when implementing a new ways of working at a company.


Throughout the project I learned how to effectively communicate with the project’s leadership that were not involved in the day-to-day operations, this allowed me to understand how to best synthesize the most important information and gain team alignment. It also gave me the opportunity to independently create and execute a workplan. Even though I had not explicitly learned about user-centric design, I started to discover the importance on creating products and services that addressed user needs.

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